Maintainer information

Detailled information about maintainer Joerg Schilling.

Full NameJoerg Schilling
QA pageGo to Joerg Schilling QA page
Bug trackingList of open/relevant bugs for Joerg Schilling
Last packaging activitycdrtools has been added to unstable on 2013-06-19
Last bug tracker activityNo information available


Actions availables on maintainer Joerg Schilling.

Packages ( 9 )

List of packages uploaded by Joerg Schilling.

Software nameDescription
cdrtoolsTools for ripping from and recording to CDs and DVDs
makeThe SunOS make program enabled for parallel execution, enhanced to fit POSIX Issue-8
pxupgradeUpgrade firmware in Plextor CD/DVD writers
sccsThe Source Code Control System (SCCS), recent enhanced version
schilybaseA collection of common files from J. Schilling
schilyutilsA collection of utilities from J. Schilling
smakeA tool to maintain, update, and regenerate programs
starStandard TAR (a POSIX compliant TAR and a configurable secure RMT remote tape server)
vedVisual editor (easy to learn, fast, large file aware, going easy on resources)