Maintainer information

Detailled information about maintainer Roger Hakansson.

Full NameRoger Hakansson
QA pageGo to Roger Hakansson QA page
Bug trackingList of open/relevant bugs for Roger Hakansson
Last packaging activityimagemagick has been added to unstable on 2016-05-07
Last bug tracker activityNo information available


Actions availables on maintainer Roger Hakansson.

Packages ( 12 )

List of packages uploaded by Roger Hakansson.

Software nameDescription
distccA fast, free distributed C/C++ compiler
exempiExempi is an implementation of XMP
exempi_develExempi is an implementation of XMP - developer package
libfaacAAC encoder library and tool
gengetoptparses the command line options
libiptcdataIPTC Tag Parsing Library
libproxyA library that provides automatic proxy configuration management
libproxy_develA library that provides automatic proxy configuration management - development files
openexr_docHigh dynamic-range (HDR) image file format developed by Industrial Light & Magic - documentation
pwgenpwgen generates passwords which can be easily memorized by a human
py_libproxyA library that provides automatic proxy configuration management - Python bindings
w3mText-based web browser