Maintainer information

Detailled information about maintainer Andrew Nichols.

Full NameAndrew Nichols
QA pageGo to Andrew Nichols QA page
Bug trackingList of open/relevant bugs for Andrew Nichols
Last packaging activityliblockfile has been added to unstable on 2010-06-26
Last bug tracker activityNo information available


Actions availables on maintainer Andrew Nichols.

Packages ( 6 )

List of packages uploaded by Andrew Nichols.

Software nameDescription
liblockfileLiblockfile is a shared library with NFS-safe locking functions.
pm_perl6exportPerl6-Export: Perl6::Export - Implements the Perl 6 'is export(...)' trait
pm_perl6exportattrPerl6-Export-Attrs: Perl6::Export::Attrs - The Perl 6 'is export(...)' trait as a Perl 5 attribute
pm_perl6slurpPerl6-Slurp: Perl6::Slurp - Implements the Perl 6 'slurp' built-in
pm_readonlyReadonly: Readonly - Facility for creating read-only scalars, arrays, hashes.
pm_smartcommentsSmart-Comments: Smart::Comments - Comments that do more than just sit there