Install libpq5 on Solaris 10 and 11:

pkgadd -d
/opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -U
/opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -y -i libpq5 
/usr/sbin/pkgchk -L CSWlibpq5 # list files

See also: Getting started with OpenCSW

Package details

SVR4 package nameCSWlibpq5
DescriptionPostgreSQL 9.3.5, libpq
Source URL
Package Sources csw/mgar/pkg/postgresql/trunk/Makefile (SourceForge, OpenGrok)
QA pageGo to libpq5 QA page
Last Uploaded ByRafael Ostertag
Contact maintainer
Bugtracker View bugs about libpq5
View files in package

Dependencies ( 3 )

Oracle / Sun Solaris SUNW packages not shown.

Software nameDescription
commoncommon files and dirs for CSW packages
libkrb5_3MIT Kerberos 5 core and private libraries,
libssl1_0_0Openssl 1.0 runtime libraries

Reverse dependencies ( 41 )

Reverse dependencies are Solaris packages that depends on libpq5.

Software nameDescription
aideaide - Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment
collectd_plugin_postgresqlCollectD Plugin for PostgreSQL
courier_authlibCourier auth library
dovecotSecure IMAP server
eximThe Exim Mail Transfer Agent
freecivFree turn-based multiplayer strategy game
freeradius_postgresqlPostgreSQL Module rlm_sql_postgresql for FreeRADIUS
libaprutil1_dbd_pgsqlApache Portable Runtime database binding, apr-util-1/
libecpg6PostgreSQL 9.3.5, libecpg
libecpg_compat3PostgreSQL 9.3.5, libecpg_compat
libgdal1Geospatial Data Abstraction Library,
libpqxx5_0C++ client API for PostgreSQL,
nagios_pluginsPlugins for Nagios
pgadmin3An administration and development platform for PostgreSQL
php5_pdopgsqlThe pdopgsql extention for PHP5
php5_pgsqlThe pgsql extention for PHP5
pm_dbd_pgDBD-Pg: PostgreSQL database driver for the DBI module
postfixA high-performance mail transport agent
postgisPostGIS - Spatial and Geographic objects for PostgreSQL
postgresql83_clientPostgreSQL 8.3.23, Client
postgresql83_contribPostgreSQL 8.3.23, Contrib
postgresql83_serverPostgreSQL 8.3.23, Server
postgresql84_clientPostgreSQL 8.4.22, Client
postgresql84_contribPostgreSQL 8.4.22, Contrib
postgresql84_serverPostgreSQL 8.4.22, Server
postgresql90_clientPostgreSQL 9.0.18, Client
postgresql90_contribPostgreSQL 9.0.18, Contrib
postgresql90_serverPostgreSQL 9.0.18, Server
postgresql91_clientPostgreSQL 9.1.14, Client
postgresql91_contribPostgreSQL 9.1.14, Contrib
postgresql91_serverPostgreSQL 9.1.14, Server
postgresql92_clientPostgreSQL 9.2.9, Client
postgresql92_contribPostgreSQL 9.2.9, Contrib
postgresql92_serverPostgreSQL 9.2.9, Server
postgresql93_clientPostgreSQL 9.3.5, Client
postgresql93_contribPostgreSQL 9.3.5, Contrib
postgresql93_serverPostgreSQL 9.3.5, Server
postgresql_devPostgreSQL 9.3.5, Development Files
py_psycopg2Psycopg2 is a PostgreSQL adapter for Python
qt4_devTrollTech C++ application framework, development files
sasl_sqlCyrus Simple Authentication and Security Layer SQL Binding

Libraries dependencies ( 0 )

The following tables display the sub list of packages, from the reverse dependencies, that depends on the libs provided by libpq5.

DependencySoftware name