Install libnetsnmp30 on Solaris 10 and 11:

pkgadd -d
/opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -U
/opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -y -i libnetsnmp30 
/usr/sbin/pkgchk -L CSWlibnetsnmp30 # list files

See also: Getting started with OpenCSW

Package details

SVR4 package nameCSWlibnetsnmp30
DescriptionA suite of applications used to implement SNMP,
Source URL
Package Sources csw/mgar/pkg/netsnmp/trunk/Makefile (SourceForge, OpenGrok)
QA pageGo to libnetsnmp30 QA page
Last Uploaded ByDagobert Michelsen
Contact maintainer
Bugtracker View bugs about libnetsnmp30
View files in package

Dependencies ( 3 )

Oracle / Sun Solaris SUNW packages not shown.

Software nameDescription
commoncommon files and dirs for CSW packages
libgcc_s1The GNU Compiler Collection,
libssl1_0_0Openssl 1.0 runtime libraries

Reverse dependencies ( 10 )

Reverse dependencies are Solaris packages that depends on libnetsnmp30.

Software nameDescription
389_ds_baseThe enterprise-class Open Source LDAP server
collectd_plugin_snmpCollectD Plugin for NetSNMP
libnetsnmpagent30A suite of applications used to implement SNMP,
libnetsnmpmibs30A suite of applications used to implement SNMP,
libnetsnmptrapd30A suite of applications used to implement SNMP,
netsnmpA suite of applications used to implement SNMP, Base
netsnmp_devA suite of applications used to implement SNMP, development files
php5_snmpThe snmp extention for PHP5
pm_netsnmpA suite of applications used to implement SNMP, Perl binding
py_netsnmpA suite of applications used to implement SNMP, Python binding

Libraries dependencies ( 0 )

The following tables display the sub list of packages, from the reverse dependencies, that depends on the libs provided by libnetsnmp30.

DependencySoftware name