Install pm_datetime_format_builder on Solaris 10 and 11:

pkgadd -d
/opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -U
/opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -y -i pm_datetime_format_builder 
/usr/sbin/pkgchk -L CSWpm-datetime-format-builder # list files

See also: Getting started with OpenCSW

Package details

SVR4 package nameCSWpm-datetime-format-builder
DescriptionDateTime-Format-Builder: Create DateTime parser classes and objects
Source URL
Package Sources csw/mgar/pkg/cpan/DateTime-Format-Builder/trunk/Makefile (SourceForge, OpenGrok)
QA pageGo to pm_datetime_format_builder QA page
Last Uploaded ByDagobert Michelsen
Contact maintainer
Bugtracker View bugs about pm_datetime_format_builder
View files in package

Dependencies ( 7 )

Oracle / Sun Solaris SUNW packages not shown.

Software nameDescription
commoncommon files and dirs for CSW packages
perlA high-level, general-purpose programming language
pm_classfactutilTransitional package. Content moved to CSWpm-class-factory-util
pm_datetimeDateTime: A date and time object
pm_datetime_format_strptimeDateTime-Format-Strptime: Parse and format strp and strf time patterns
pm_params_validateParams-Validate: Validate method/function parameters
pm_task_weakenTask-Weaken: Ensure that a platform has weaken support

Reverse dependencies ( 5 )

Reverse dependencies are Solaris packages that depends on pm_datetime_format_builder.

Software nameDescription
pm_datetime_format_flexibleDateTime-Format-Flexible: Flexibly parse strings and turn them into DateTime objects
pm_datetime_format_iso8601DateTime-Format-ISO8601: Parses ISO8601 formats
pm_datetime_format_mysqlDateTime-Format-MySQL: Parse and format MySQL dates and times
pm_datetime_format_oracleDateTime-Format-Oracle: Parse and format Oracle dates and timestamps
pm_datetime_format_pgDateTime-Format-Pg: Parse and format PostgreSQL dates and times

Libraries dependencies ( 0 )

The following tables display the sub list of packages, from the reverse dependencies, that depends on the libs provided by pm_datetime_format_builder.

DependencySoftware name