Install libodbc2 on Solaris 10 and 11:

pkgadd -d
/opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -U
/opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -y -i libodbc2 
/usr/sbin/pkgchk -L CSWlibodbc2 # list files

See also: Getting started with OpenCSW

Package details

SVR4 package nameCSWlibodbc2
DescriptionODBC drivers for Unix systems,
Source URL
Package Sources csw/mgar/pkg/unixodbc/trunk/Makefile (SourceForge, OpenGrok)
QA pageGo to libodbc2 QA page
Last Uploaded ByDagobert Michelsen
Contact maintainer
Bugtracker View bugs about libodbc2
View files in package

Dependencies ( 4 )

Oracle / Sun Solaris SUNW packages not shown.

Software nameDescription
cas_preserveconfThe preserveconf class action script for CSW packages
commoncommon files and dirs for CSW packages
libiconv2GNU iconv library,
libltdl7Libtool from libtool 2.x

Reverse dependencies ( 10 )

Reverse dependencies are Solaris packages that depends on libodbc2.

Software nameDescription
freetdsImplementation of the TDS protocol used by MS SQL Server and Sybase
libaprutil1_dbd_odbcApache Portable Runtime database binding, apr-util-1/
openldap_back_sqlOpenLDAP SQL backend
php5_odbcThe odbc extention for PHP5
php5_pdoodbcThe pdoodbc extention for PHP5
pm_dbd_odbcDBD-ODBC: ODBC DBD for Perl DBI
qt4_devTrollTech C++ application framework, development files
sphinx_searchAn open source full text search server
unixodbcODBC drivers for Unix systems
unixodbc_devDevelopment files for libodbc*.so.2

Libraries dependencies ( 0 )

The following tables display the sub list of packages, from the reverse dependencies, that depends on the libs provided by libodbc2.

DependencySoftware name