Mantis - apache2
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5152 regular use block always 2014-02-19 18:06 2014-03-11 09:13
0005152: mod_proxy_html does not work
i'm moving a working proxy from SUNWapache2 (S11, 2.2.20) to CSWapache2 (S11, 2.2.26). The following directive aren't recognized:

the modules used when SUNWapache2:
# grep proxy /etc/apache2/2.2/conf.d/modules-32.load
LoadModule proxy_module libexec/
LoadModule proxy_connect_module libexec/
#LoadModule proxy_ftp_module libexec/
LoadModule proxy_http_module libexec/
LoadModule proxy_ajp_module libexec/
LoadModule proxy_balancer_module libexec/

and the modules with OpenCSW:

# grep proxy /opt/csw/apache2/etc/httpd.conf
LoadModule proxy_module libexec/
LoadModule proxy_connect_module libexec/
LoadModule proxy_ftp_module libexec/
LoadModule proxy_http_module libexec/
LoadModule proxy_scgi_module libexec/
LoadModule proxy_ajp_module libexec/
LoadModule proxy_balancer_module libexec/

but when i look with apachectl, there is a slghty difference:
# /usr/apache2/2.2/bin/apachectl -M|grep proxy
 proxy_module (shared)
 proxy_connect_module (shared)
 proxy_http_module (shared)
 proxy_ajp_module (shared)
 proxy_balancer_module (shared)
 proxy_html_module (shared)

# /opt/csw/apache2/sbin/apachectl -M|grep proxy
Syntax OK
 proxy_module (shared)
 proxy_connect_module (shared)
 proxy_ftp_module (shared)
 proxy_http_module (shared)
 proxy_scgi_module (shared)
 proxy_ajp_module (shared)
 proxy_balancer_module (shared)

i don't know if it is important if the module is called proxy_html_module instead of proxy_http_module.

In any case, it prevents revere proxy to work
Issue History
2014-02-19 18:06 ghenry New Issue
2014-02-20 20:58 dam Status new => assigned
2014-02-20 20:58 dam Assigned To => dam
2014-02-20 21:00 dam Note Added: 0010721
2014-02-22 10:54 dam Note Added: 0010722
2014-02-22 11:31 dam Note Added: 0010727
2014-02-22 11:31 dam Status assigned => feedback
2014-03-01 14:27 dam Note Added: 0010741
2014-03-01 14:27 dam Status feedback => closed
2014-03-01 14:27 dam Resolution open => fixed
2014-03-01 14:32 dam Note Added: 0010742
2014-03-04 19:41 ghenry Note Added: 0010748
2014-03-04 19:54 ghenry Note Added: 0010749
2014-03-11 09:02 dam Note Added: 0010764
2014-03-11 09:03 dam Note Edited: 0010764
2014-03-11 09:13 dam Note Added: 0010765

2014-02-20 21:00   
According to [^]
this is a separate module in Apache 2.2 and was integrated as optional module in 2.4. It looks like we already have a recipe but never released the package. I'll enabled the option for 2.4 and will probably give the module a try in the next days.
2014-02-22 10:54   
The new apache24 packages have been updated, it was really just an extra configure switch. New packages are available for testing at [^]
2014-02-22 11:31   
Apache 2.2 modules are available at experimental in a minute: [^]
Please let me know if it works so I can push it to unstable.
2014-03-01 14:27   
Version 3.1.2,REV=2014.02.22 has been pushed to unstable/.
2014-03-01 14:32   
Apache 2.4 version 2.4.7,REV=2014.02.21 has been pushed to unstable/.
2014-03-04 19:41   
when i install CSWapache24, it comes with /opt/csw/sbin/apachectl.
# pkgchk -v CSWapache24

But this file is also present in CSWapache2 (2.2.26,REV=2014.02.07):

 pkgchk -l -p /opt/csw/apache2/sbin/apachectl
Pathname: /opt/csw/apache2/sbin/apachectl
Type: regular file
Expected mode: 0755
Expected owner: root
Expected group: bin
Expected file size (bytes): 3423
Expected sum(1) of contents: 21813
Expected last modification: Feb 07 12:12:32 2014
Referenced by the following packages:
Current status: installed

is it normal?
2014-03-04 19:54   
in /opt/csw/lib/apache2/modules, there is no

# pkgchk -v CSWap2-modphp5
ERROR: /opt/csw/apache2/ap2mod/php5
    file size <1340> expected <70> actual
    file cksum <39905> expected <6207> actual
ERROR: /opt/csw/apache2/etc/httpd.conf.bak
    modtime <02/11/13 05:01:03 PM> expected <02/21/13 05:40:42 AM> actual
    file size <17199> expected <17354> actual
    file cksum <11716> expected <29629> actual

and it seems incompatible with the new apache:
httpd: Syntax error on line 172 of /etc/opt/csw/apache2/httpd.conf: Cannot load /opt/csw/apache2/libexec/ into server: httpd: fatal: relocation error: file /opt/csw/apache2/libexec/ symbol unixd_config: referenced symbol not found
2014-03-11 09:02   
(edited on: 2014-03-11 09:03)
Regarding apachectl: As Apache 2.2.x and Apache 2.4.x are completely different packages with different
installation directories it is expectable to have two apachectl packages. The 2.2 is in "legacy-format" where everything is below /opt/csw/apache2 where the new 2.4 is in "opencsw-format".

[EDIT] Please use the users@ list and not the bug tracker for general questions.

2014-03-11 09:13   
Regarding php5 due to the requirement of the different pathes there will also be a new set of apache
modules. Specifically recent versions of php5 are currently not compilable on Solaris, if you have the chance to help porting 5.5.10 or 5.6.0alpha to Solaris please give it a go, report to upstream and/or provide patches.