Mantis - gzip
Viewing Issue Advanced Details
4818 packaging minor always 2011-08-29 17:43 2013-04-19 23:28
won't fix  
0004818: Depends on /bin/bash, but can't guarantee it exists
On a core install, there's no /bin/bash. gunzip depends on it, and when it's absent, gunzip fails.

/opt/csw/bin/gunzip is a shell script which either needs to use /bin/sh, or /opt/csw/bin/bash and depend on CSWbash
Issue History
2011-08-29 17:43 maciej New Issue
2011-08-30 15:42 dam Status new => assigned
2011-08-30 15:42 dam Assigned To => dam
2011-08-30 15:48 dam Note Added: 0009248
2013-04-19 23:27 dam Note Added: 0010341
2013-04-19 23:27 dam Status assigned => closed
2013-04-19 23:28 dam Resolution open => won't fix

2011-08-30 15:48   
There are more binaries affected:

unstable9s% file bash *
bash: cannot open: No such file or directory
gunzip: executable /bin/bash script
gzexe: executable /bin/bash script
gzip: ELF 32-bit MSB executable SPARC Version 1, dynamically linked, stripped
uncompress: executable /bin/bash script
zcat: executable /bin/bash script
zcmp: executable /bin/bash script
zdiff: executable /bin/bash script
zegrep: executable /bin/bash script
zfgrep: executable /bin/bash script
zforce: executable /bin/bash script
zgrep: executable /bin/bash script
zless: executable /bin/bash script
zmore: executable /bin/bash script
znew: executable /bin/bash script
2013-04-19 23:27   
After careful consideration OpenCSW packages against "full", not "core". Having dependencies to all stuff that is not in core is contraproductive to minimizing footprint.