Mantis - apache2
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3930 packaging tweak N/A 2009-09-30 12:07 2011-09-07 02:39
won't fix  
0003930: Use same user/group as Sun apache2 package
CSWapache2 uses the User nobody and Group nobody to run the httpd. Sun apache2 (at least on Solaris 10) uses a dedicated user/group webservd. That's better, because the user can thus be limited in rights even more (or maybe the other way around: that user can be easily given more rights). Especially when granting additional rights, that's something you do of course *NOT* want to do when a "generic" user/group like "nobody" is used.

Because of that, it would be good, if CSW would follow what Sun does, as it makes a lot of sense: Please use User webservd and Group webservd.
Issue History
2009-09-30 12:07 alexs77 New Issue
2010-08-04 12:20 alexs77 Issue Monitored: alexs77
2010-10-26 03:21 bwalton Note Added: 0008404
2010-10-26 03:21 bwalton Assigned To => bwalton
2010-10-26 03:21 bwalton Status new => confirmed
2011-09-07 02:39 bwalton Note Added: 0009254
2011-09-07 02:39 bwalton Status confirmed => closed
2011-09-07 02:39 bwalton Resolution open => won't fix

2010-10-26 03:21   
Could I suggest that you simply modify your local configuration to run CSWapache2 as any desired uid/gid you choose?

I agree that 'nobody' is not a good choice and I'll investigate what a change in this setting would impact. That being said there is nothing that _requires_ you use this value, it's just the default.
2011-09-07 02:39   
Not a necessary change as site can provide preferred user/group by configuration.