Mantis - meld
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2111 packaging feature always 2007-01-19 04:22 2014-01-27 09:58
0002111: meld depends on mozilla, firefox, evolution_ds
too more dependancies
Issue History
2014-01-27 09:58 opk Status new => closed
2014-01-27 09:58 opk Resolution open => fixed

2008-04-27 07:16   
Actually, it\'s not meld\'s fault.
In depend file, meld just depends on 4 packages.
But these packages has too more dependancies.


CSWpygtk pygtk Python binding API library for GTK+
CSWpyorbit pyorbit Python bindings to ORBIT
CSWpython python A high-level scripting language.
CSWcommon common Installs some useful standard CSW filesystem symlinks and files
2008-05-05 10:19   
OK, I removed several dependent packages.
Now installing meld became easy.
Can we close this bug?
2008-05-06 07:41   
i\'m not sure the bug is close, because, now, i have this problem:
mombasa-henry% meld
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File \"/opt/csw/bin/meld\", line 93, in <module>
    import meldapp
  File \"/opt/csw/lib/meld/\", line 28, in <module>
    import prefs
  File \"/opt/csw/lib/meld/\", line 52, in <module>
    import gconf
ImportError: No module named gconf

and there is only /opt/csw/lib/python2.3/site-packages/gtk-2.0/ but, now python is 2.5.1
If i try this workaround:
mombasa-root% cp /opt/csw/lib/python2.3/site-packages/gtk-2.0/ /opt/csw/lib/python/site-packages/gtk-2.0/

i got:
mombasa-henry% meld
/opt/csw/lib/meld/ RuntimeWarning: Python C API version mismatch for module gconf: This Python has API version 1013, module gconf has version 1012.
  import gconf
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File \"/opt/csw/bin/meld\", line 93, in <module>
    import meldapp
  File \"/opt/csw/lib/meld/\", line 29, in <module>
    import gnomeglade
  File \"/opt/csw/lib/meld/\", line 23, in <module>
    import gnome
ImportError: No module named gnome
2008-05-11 03:19   
what/which distro and platform are you testing?
2008-05-12 05:57   
the problems are seen on solaris 10 sparc U2
it works on SXDE 1/08
2008-05-12 07:43   
This one seems quite like the one I had : 0002740 (but which is now closed). I have the same problem. Platform is as follows:
#uname -a
SunOS port-jrenterghem 5.10 Generic_118844-26 i86pc i386 i86pc