Mantis - pine
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485 regular use minor always 2004-06-30 02:35 2006-09-25 18:10
0000485: pine imaps login problem
I have the following mail system authentication:

client -> imaps (cyrus) -> saslauthd -> ldaps

When I try to acces my folders using pine (4.58), it works fine. But I\'d like to store my pine configuration in imap, and start pine as:

pine -p {$LOGNAME}INBOX.PINE.pinerc

This is also working with a restriction: I must have a password not longer than 8. This reminds me the Crypt algorithm, but in ldap we use MD5, and pine (over SSL) use plaintext authenticaton.

This problem occurs in pine 4.58 under Solaris 9, but not
under RH Linux 9. Probably a compilation difference. The strange thing is that the same pine binary is able to connect via imaps without using pinerc stored in imap.

mutt, Mozilla-Mail, Thunderbird work fine.
Issue History

2006-09-25 18:10   
Sounds like a very difficult problem to root-cause because it involves deep knowledge of several technologies: ldap, ssl, pine, imap, and the imapd being used. Also, a specific client/server configuration is required in order to replicate it.

The good news is, pine has been updated from 4.58 to 4.64. As such, I suggest that the bug reporter (xian), or somebody who can duplicate the config, re-test to see if the problem has gone away. Or, in the absence of that, we close the bug.