Mantis - automake
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4184 regular use major always 2010-01-25 15:33 2010-02-24 23:17
0004184: aclocal-1.9 uses automake-1.11 libraries
aclocal and automake need to be synchronized, so using aclocal-$foo should use automake-$foo.

However aclocal-1.9 calls:

  my $perllibdir = $ENV{'perllibdir'} || '/opt/csw/share/automake-1.11';
  unshift @INC, (split ':', $perllibdir);

Attempts to use this aclocal fail due to this version mismatch.
Post install of CSWautomake 1.11.1,REV=2009.12.09 I also did:

rm /opt/csw/bin/aclocal
ln -s /opt/csw/bin/aclocal-1.9 /opt/csw/bin/aclocal
rm /opt/csw/bin/automake
ln -s /opt/csw/bin/automake-1.9 /opt/csw/bin/automake

as the software I'm building requires the tools be called aclocal and automake and also requires the 1.9 versions.

The old CSWautomake-1.10.1,REV=2008.02.07 package I used from Blastwave didn't have this problem.
Issue History
2010-01-25 15:33 Ridd New Issue
2010-01-25 15:35 dam Status new => assigned
2010-01-25 15:35 dam Assigned To => dam
2010-01-25 15:46 dam Note Added: 0007341
2010-01-25 15:46 dam Status assigned => acknowledged
2010-01-25 16:08 dam Note Added: 0007342
2010-01-25 16:08 dam Status acknowledged => feedback
2010-01-25 16:55 Ridd Note Added: 0007343
2010-01-26 08:34 dam Note Added: 0007349
2010-01-26 08:34 dam Status feedback => confirmed
2010-02-16 17:22 dam Note Added: 0007451
2010-02-19 22:49 dam Note Added: 0007481
2010-02-19 22:49 dam Status confirmed => feedback
2010-02-24 23:17 dam Note Added: 0007519
2010-02-24 23:17 dam Status feedback => closed
2010-02-24 23:17 dam Resolution open => fixed

2010-01-25 15:46   
Strange, I also built 1.10.1,REV=2008.02.07 from Blastwave at that time I did it similar to the package you are using:
  <> [^]
Anyway, I just inspected the package and it is wrong in there although the intermediate steps from the build seem to work fine. I need a deeper look into this,
2010-01-25 16:08   
The problem was that in merging the versions together there were hardlinks between the general and the versioned binaries used that were overwritten in a specific way.

It should be fixed in the package from testing/
available from [^]

Please let me know if this really fixes your problem.
2010-01-25 16:55   
Yes, that works. A good sanity check is to do "aclocal-1.9 --version" and check the output includes the expected version.

2010-01-26 08:34   
The "wrong version error" is fixed in 1.11.1,REV=2010.01.25 and released to current/.

I'll leave the bug open as I would like to have a mechanism for keeping modified links from automake/aclocal to other version than the latest during upgrades. On maintainers@ is the use of "alternatives" under discussion.
2010-02-16 17:22   
Updated automake with alternatives-support in experimental:
  <> [^]
2010-02-19 22:49   
Version 1.11.1,REV=2010.02.19 has been released to current with alternatives support to peristently select a version for "automake" and "aclocal" even during package upgrades. Versions are selectable with
  /opt/csw/sbin/alternatives --config automake
Please verify.
2010-02-24 23:17   
No negative feedback is good feedback, closing.