Mantis - libclam6
Viewing Issue Advanced Details
3794 packaging minor always 2009-07-30 17:25 2010-03-19 11:02
0003794: Missing depend CSWlibtoolrt
CSWlibclamav 0.95.2,REV=2009.06.11
/opt/csw/lib/ => (file not found)

Missing depend CSWlibtoolrt.

CSWclamav has CSWlibtoolrt as a depend and CSWclamav is the only package supported by CSWlibclamav so it's only a minor problem for now.
Issue History
2009-07-30 17:25 james New Issue
2009-08-03 16:25 bonivart Status new => assigned
2009-08-03 16:25 bonivart Assigned To => bonivart
2009-08-03 16:26 bonivart Note Added: 0006498
2009-08-03 16:30 bonivart Note Added: 0006499
2009-08-03 16:50 james Note Added: 0006500
2009-08-11 17:09 bonivart Note Added: 0006556
2009-08-11 17:09 bonivart Status assigned => resolved
2009-08-11 17:09 bonivart Resolution open => fixed
2010-03-19 11:02 bonivart Status resolved => closed

2009-08-03 16:26   
You're right, I ran checkpkg manually to verify it. I missed it because we have to disable the automatic run of checkpkg when building split packages in GAR. I should have run it manually.

Will spin new packages.
2009-08-03 16:30   
Maybe it's not a good idea to cause upgrades for everyone when it still works like you say? I have fixed the missing dep in GAR and it will be OK when ClamAV is updated next time.
2009-08-03 16:50   
Yes, I'd change the build procudure but leave release until the next rev update, shouln't be long with Clamav. CSWclamav is the only CSW usage and it pulls libtoolrt. There is also an easy workaround: install libtoolrt.

I copy checkpkg and put first in the path and change the missing package from error to a warning. (Also I edit to allow from S10 compiles in S8 packagings.)
2009-08-11 17:09   
Fixed in GAR, waiting for next Clam release.