Mantis - gtk2
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3775 packaging tweak always 2009-07-22 16:24 2009-08-16 11:40
0003775: Package should create /opt/csw/etc/gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders
As part of post install the package should run
/opt/csw/bin/gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders >/opt/csw/etc/gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders
Issue History
2009-07-22 16:24 mwatters New Issue
2009-07-23 09:56 smwardle Issue Monitored: smwardle
2009-07-24 11:27 pfelecan Note Added: 0006453
2009-07-26 22:22 dam Status new => assigned
2009-07-26 22:22 dam Assigned To => dam
2009-07-29 20:34 dam Note Added: 0006487
2009-08-05 16:23 dam Note Added: 0006503
2009-08-05 16:25 dam Note Added: 0006505
2009-08-05 16:27 dam Note Added: 0006506
2009-08-05 16:32 dam Note Edited: 0006487
2009-08-05 16:41 pfelecan Note Added: 0006507
2009-08-07 20:38 dam Note Added: 0006532
2009-08-07 20:38 dam Status assigned => resolved
2009-08-07 20:38 dam Resolution open => fixed
2009-08-16 11:39 dam Note Added: 0006582
2009-08-16 11:39 dam Status resolved => closed

2009-07-24 11:27   
I confirm that creating the /opt/csw/etc/gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders as stated in the description solves the issue of:

GdkPixbuf-WARNING **: Error loading XPM image loader: Image type 'xpm' is not supported

(avidemux2_gtk:6724): GdkPixbuf-WARNING **: Cannot open pixbuf loader module file '/opt/csw/etc/gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders': No such file or directory
2009-07-29 20:34   
(edited on: 2009-08-05 16:32)
New packages in testing/:


Please verify if the error is fixed.

[Edit: Removed, as the postinstall script didn't work with 64 bit binaries on 32 bit kernels]

2009-08-05 16:23   
I am currently working on a fix for the gtk2-bug 0003775:
 "Package should create /opt/csw/etc/gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders" [^]

What I have done now is setting it up on postinstall like pango.
However, on Solaris 8 it will try to query 64 bit too, which fails.
If you now share this to Solaris 10 you will end up without pixbuf
loaders. Would you consider it to be ok to skip this step on
Solaris 8?

Or could the pixbuffers be queried during package creation statically?
That would also eliminate the ugly (and slow) postinstall.
2009-08-05 16:25   
[Von Sebastian Kayser]:

Debian verwenden mittlerweile wohl gar kein gdk-pixbuf.loaders mehr. Schau
mal im gtk+2 Changelog [1] bei Version 2.10.3-2 und dem dazugehoerigen
Bug [2].

The plan with the new Gtk was to avoid using
/etc/gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders at all, so I simply stopped updating it
and planned removing it when all modules would have been converted to
the new dh_gtkmodules usage.

Bis dahin hatten die wohl ein Skript namens update-gdkpixbuf-loaders
[3], welches von entsprechenden Modulen in ihrem postinst aufgerufen wurde.

[1] [^]
[2] [^]
[3] [^]

          ^^ Und das ist wohl nen Debian-spezifisches Packaging Skript,
was sich in den Build Prozess haengt. Findet sich im libgtk2.0-dev Paket [^] [^]

Aha und jedes Paket packt wohl seine eigene Loader-Liste nach
/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/*/loader-files.d/*. Siehe folgenden Bug fuer die
Umstellungsdetails [^]
2009-08-05 16:27   
Doing this during packaging is quite hard as it would require a changeroot-environment not available to regular (packaging) users. As the (complicated) solution is likely to be obsolete soon due to the enhancement of dynamically finding pixbuf loaders I'll stick with the postinstall-script for now and live with the restriction that under 32 bit kernels only the list of 32 bit pixbuf loaders is generated.
2009-08-05 16:41   
this seems alright for me and solves the issue of not generating the file on Solaris 8 x86
2009-08-07 20:38   
This is fixed in 2.16.5,REV=2009.08.06, where the pixbuf loaders are dynamically generated during postinstall for each 32/64 bit ISA.
2009-08-16 11:39   
Updated for another issue and released to current/ as 2.16.5,REV=2009.08.11.