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ID Category Severity Reproducibility Date Submitted Last Update
0004446 [pm_tt2] packaging major always 2010-06-07 15:47 2010-08-09 18:26
Reporter niranjan View Status public  
Assigned To bonivart
Priority normal Resolution no change required Platform
Status closed   OS
Projection none   OS Version
ETA none Product Build
Summary 0004446: Perl module DBI was broken in ver 5.10.1
Description Hi,

The following modules were borken in perl ver 5.10.1, here I'm much worring about DBD::mysql and DBI, out monitor servers are depend on these modules. Please help us out on this. Work arround is we have downgraded to ver 5.8.x.

WARNING: Module DBD::mysql is missing files
WARNING: Module DBI is missing files
WARNING: Module Digest::HMAC is missing files
WARNING: Module Digest::SHA1 is missing files

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-  Notes
bonivart (developer)
2010-06-07 17:17

What do you mean by broken? I use all of those packages with success. Where are the warnings coming from? Are you using the latest version of those four modules (they were all rebuilt for Perl 5.10.1)?
niranjan (reporter)
2010-06-07 18:55

We have pushed the latest perl 5.10.1 to all the machines, after installation we are getting following message. perl: fatal: relocation error: file /opt/csw/lib/perl/site_perl/auto/DBI/ symbol Perl_Tstack_sp_ptr: referenced symbol not found

bonivart (developer)
2010-06-08 10:05

This is because you're out of sync between Perl and the modules (DBI in your example). As I said we had to rebuild a lot (Note: 0000100) modules together with Perl 5.10.1. You need to update those as well.

Try this and paste the output here:

# pkgutil -c perl dbi dbd hmac sha1

I bet you have outdated modules. Update them and you should be fine.
niranjan (reporter)
2010-06-08 13:08

I got the following output.

package installed catalog
CSWperl 5.10.1,REV=2009.12.15 SAME
bonivart (developer)
2010-06-08 16:53

Hmm, why don't you get any output for dbi, dbd, hmac and sha1? Are those installed from OpenCSW packages? Or did you use CPAN or something?
niranjan (reporter)
2010-06-08 16:56

Installed from OpenCSW packages, this is the first time we are facing this probelm and we noticed that CAPN alos not working. perl: fatal: relocation error: file /opt/csw/lib/perl/site_perl/auto/Term/ReadKey/ symbol Perl_Tstack_sp_ptr: referenced symbol not found
bonivart (developer)
2010-06-08 17:32

Ok, if you have installed those from OpenCSW, please paste in the output from these commands:

# pkginfo -l CSWpmdbi
# pkginfo -l CSWpmdbdmysql
# pkginfo -l CSWpmdigesthmac
# pkginfo -l CSWpmdigestsha1
niranjan (reporter)
2010-06-08 17:47

Please find the output here.

[11:46:29] nbommu@archangel:/home/nbommu :$ pkginfo -l CSWpmdbi
   PKGINST: CSWpmdbi
      NAME: pm_dbi - Database independent interface for Perl
  CATEGORY: application
      ARCH: i386
   VERSION: 1.609,REV=2010.02.02
    VENDOR: [^] packaged for CSW by Peter Bonivart
    PSTAMP: bonivart@build8xt-20100202140237
  INSTDATE: Jun 08 2010 10:59
   HOTLINE: [^]
    STATUS: completely installed
     FILES: 135 installed pathnames
                  24 shared pathnames
                  24 directories
                   4 executables
                4524 blocks used (approx)

[11:46:31] nbommu@archangel:/home/nbommu :$ pkginfo -l CSWpmdbdmysql
   PKGINST: CSWpmdbdmysql
      NAME: pm_dbdmysql - MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface (DBI)
  CATEGORY: application
      ARCH: i386
   VERSION: 4.013,REV=2010.02.11
    VENDOR: [^] packaged for CSW by benny
    PSTAMP: benny@build8x-20100211124914
  INSTDATE: Jun 08 2010 10:58
   HOTLINE: [^]
    STATUS: completely installed
     FILES: 22 installed pathnames
                   7 shared pathnames
                  12 directories
                   5 executables
                 970 blocks used (approx)
bonivart (developer)
2010-06-08 20:15

Ok, so for at least two of those you have the latest version. What is the monitoring system you're using? Is that from OpenCSW as well? It should use /opt/csw/bin/perl.
niranjan (reporter)
2010-06-08 21:03

monitor scripts are using /opt/csw/bin/perl.
bonivart (developer)
2010-06-08 21:24

Can you paste the complete output from:

# pkgutil -c
niranjan (reporter)
2010-06-08 21:52

package installed catalog
CSWalternatives 1.3.30c,REV=2010.02.18 1.0,REV=2010.05.21
CSWant 1.7.1,REV=2008.10.29 SAME
CSWap2modphp5 5.2.9,REV=2009.04.30 SAME
CSWap2prefork 2.2.13,REV=2009.08.22 SAME
CSWapache2 2.2.13,REV=2009.08.22 SAME
CSWapache2c 2.2.13,REV=2009.08.22 SAME
CSWapache2rt 2.2.13,REV=2009.08.22 SAME
CSWbash 4.1.5,REV=2010.03.27 SAME
CSWbdb 4.7.25,REV=2009.10.18 SAME
CSWbdb3 3.3.11,REV=2009.10.18_rev=p2 SAME
CSWbdb4 4.2.52,REV=2009.10.18 SAME
CSWbdb42 4.2.52,REV=2009.10.18_rev=p5 SAME
CSWbdb47 4.7.25,REV=2009.10.18_rev=p4 SAME
CSWbinutils 2.19,REV=2008.11.17 SAME
CSWbmon 2.0.1,REV=2004.11.03 SAME
CSWbzip2 1.0.5,REV=2009.01.17 SAME
CSWcacertificates 20091101,REV=2009.11.01 SAME
CSWcfengine 2.2.10,REV=2009.11.11 SAME
CSWcommon 1.4.7,REV=2009.09.20 SAME
CSWcswclassutils 1.34,REV=2010.02.19 SAME
CSWcurl 7.20.0,REV=2010.02.15 SAME
CSWcurlrt 7.20.0,REV=2010.02.15 SAME
CSWdiffutils 3.0,REV=2010.05.04 SAME
CSWexpat 2.0.1,REV=2009.01.22 SAME
CSWfacter 1.5.7,REV=2009.11.16 SAME
CSWfconfig 2.6.0,REV=2009.04.24 SAME
CSWfindutils 4.4.2,REV=2009.06.08 SAME
CSWftype2 2.3.12,REV=2010.02.26 SAME
CSWgcc3core 3.4.6,REV=2009.06.25 3.4.6,REV=2010.05.14
CSWgcc3corert 3.4.6,REV=2009.06.25 SAME
CSWgcc3g++ 3.4.6,REV=2009.06.25 SAME
CSWgcc3g++rt 3.4.6,REV=2009.06.25 SAME
CSWgcc4corert 4.3.3,REV=2009.05.07 SAME
CSWgcc4g++rt 4.3.3,REV=2009.05.07 SAME
CSWgdbm 1.8.3,REV=2006.01.01 SAME
CSWgfile 4.1,REV=2003.01.23 not in catalog
CSWggettext 0.17,REV=2009.02.13 SAME
CSWggettextrt 0.17,REV=2009.02.13 SAME
CSWggrep 2.6.3,REV=2010.04.09 SAME
CSWglib2 2.23.5,REV=2010.03.09 SAME
CSWgm4 1.4.14,REV=2010.02.25 SAME
CSWgnupg 1.4.9,REV=2009.08.07 SAME
CSWgpgerr 1.7,REV=2009.03.20 SAME
CSWgpgme 1.1.4,REV=2007.07.01 SAME
CSWgsed 4.2.1,REV=2009.07.14 SAME
CSWgtar 1.23,REV=2010.03.11 SAME
CSWgtk2 2.16.5,REV=2009.08.11 SAME
CSWiconv 1.13.1,REV=2009.07.31 SAME
CSWircii 2.8.2 SAME
CSWirssi 0.8.15,REV=2010.04.18 SAME
CSWisaexec 0.2,REV=2009.03.26 SAME
CSWjasper 1.900.1,REV=2008.11.23 SAME
CSWjbigkit 2.0,REV=2008.10.28 SAME
CSWjpeg 7,REV=2009.08.17 SAME
CSWkrb5lib 1.4.4,REV=2006.12.27 SAME
CSWlibart 2.3.20,REV=2009.03.13 SAME
CSWlibatk 1.30.0,REV=2010.05.06 SAME
CSWlibcairo 1.8.8,REV=2010.01.18 SAME
CSWlibcares 1.7.0,REV=2010.02.12 SAME
CSWlibgc 7.0,REV=2009.04.05 SAME
CSWlibice 1.0.6,REV=2010.02.19 SAME
CSWlibidn 1.18,REV=2010.02.16 1.19,REV=2010.05.22
CSWlibmm 1.4.2,REV=2009.09.29 SAME
CSWlibnet 1.0.2,REV=2004.04.08_rev=a SAME
CSWlibpcap 1.1.1,REV=2010.04.06 SAME
CSWlibpopt 1.15,REV=2009.10.29 SAME
CSWlibpq 8.3.1,REV=2008.05.02 SAME
CSWlibproxy 0.3.0,REV=2010.04.03 SAME
CSWlibserf 0.6.1,REV=2010.05.18 SAME
CSWlibsigsegv 2.6,REV=2008.11.25 SAME
CSWlibsm 1.1.1,REV=2010.02.19 SAME
CSWlibx11 1.3.2,REV=2010.03.09 SAME
CSWlibxau 1.0.4,REV=2010.03.14 SAME
CSWlibxcb 1.5,REV=2010.03.09 SAME
CSWlibxdmcp 1.0.3,REV=2010.02.19 SAME
CSWlibxext 1.1.1,REV=2010.03.08 SAME
CSWlibxft2 2.1.14,REV=2010.02.19 2.1.14,REV=2010.06.07
CSWlibxml2 2.7.7,REV=2010.04.10 SAME
CSWlibxmu 1.0.5,REV=2010.02.19 SAME
CSWlibxpm 3.5.8,REV=2010.02.19 SAME
CSWlibxrender 0.9.5,REV=2010.05.14 0.9.5,REV=2010.05.20
CSWlibxt 1.0.7,REV=2010.02.19 SAME
CSWlsof 4.77,REV=2006.11.13 SAME
CSWlynx 2.8.7,REV=2010.02.26 SAME
CSWmtr 0.75,REV=2010.01.12 SAME
CSWmutt 1.5.20,REV=2010.02.19 SAME
CSWmutt-base 1.5.20,REV=2010.02.19 SAME
CSWmutt-ncurses 1.5.20,REV=2010.02.19 SAME
CSWmutt-slang 1.5.20,REV=2010.02.19 SAME
CSWmysql4rt 4.1.22,REV=2008.01.20 SAME
CSWmysql5 5.0.87,REV=2010.01.08 SAME
CSWmysql5client 5.0.87,REV=2010.01.08 SAME
CSWmysql5rt 5.0.87,REV=2010.02.19 SAME
CSWncurses 5.7,REV=2009.04.06 5.7,REV=2010.05.21
CSWneon 0.29.3,REV=2010.02.25 SAME
CSWnmap 4.20 SAME
CSWoldapclient 2.3.39,REV=2008.02.22 SAME
CSWoldaprt 2.3.39,REV=2008.02.22 SAME
CSWoniguruma 5.9.2,REV=2010.01.17 SAME
CSWossl 0.9.8n,REV=2010.03.25 SAME
CSWossldevel 0.9.8n,REV=2010.03.25 SAME
CSWosslrt 0.9.8n,REV=2010.03.25 SAME
CSWosslutils 0.9.8n,REV=2010.03.25 SAME
CSWpakchois 0.4,REV=2009.10.08 SAME
CSWpango 1.24.5,REV=2009.09.04 SAME
CSWpcre 8.02,REV=2010.03.19 SAME
CSWpcrert 8.02,REV=2010.03.19 SAME
CSWperl 5.10.1,REV=2009.12.15 SAME
CSWphp5 5.2.9,REV=2009.05.06 SAME
CSWphp5gettext 5.2.9,REV=2009.04.29 SAME
CSWphp5ldap 5.2.9,REV=2009.04.29 SAME
CSWphp5mysql 5.2.9,REV=2009.04.29 SAME
CSWphp5mysqli 5.2.9,REV=2009.04.29 SAME
CSWphp5openssl 5.2.9,REV=2009.04.29 SAME
CSWphp5session 5.2.9,REV=2009.04.29 SAME
CSWphp5snmp 5.2.9,REV=2009.04.29 SAME
CSWphp5sockets 5.2.9,REV=2009.04.29 SAME
CSWpixman 0.17.10,REV=2010.03.06 SAME
CSWpkgget 4.3,REV=2009.10.04 SAME
CSWpkgutil 1.10,REV=2010.03.10 SAME
CSWpmdbdmysql 4.013,REV=2010.02.11 SAME
CSWpmdbi 1.609,REV=2010.02.02 SAME
CSWpmsocket6 0.23,REV=2010.02.01 SAME
CSWpng 1.2.43,REV=2010.02.25 SAME
CSWpostfix 2.4.6,REV=2008.05.28 SAME
CSWpth 2.0.7,REV=2009.02.05 SAME
CSWpython 2.6.5,REV=2010.04.19 SAME
CSWrcs 5.7,REV=2009.08.13 SAME
CSWreadline 6.1,REV=2010.01.01 SAME
CSWrrd 1.2.19,REV=2007.02.07 1.4.2,REV=2010.03.21
CSWrsync 3.0.7,REV=2010.02.17 SAME
CSWruby 1.8.7,REV=2009.10.26_rev=p174 SAME
CSWsasl 2.1.22,REV=2007.06.19 SAME
CSWscrn 4.0.3,REV=2008.04.30 SAME
CSWslang 2.2.2,REV=2010.01.19 SAME
CSWsqlite3 3.6.21,REV=2010.01.04 SAME
CSWsqlite3rt 3.6.21,REV=2010.01.04 SAME
CSWsudo 1.7.2p5,REV=2010.03.02 SAME
CSWsudo-common 1.7.2p5,REV=2010.03.02 SAME
CSWsunmath 2007.08.04 SAME
CSWsvn 1.6.9,REV=2010.03.07 1.6.11,REV=2010.05.27
CSWtcpwrap 7.6,REV=2006.03.30.ipv6.4 SAME
CSWtexinfo 4.13a,REV=2009.12.28 SAME
CSWtiff 3.9.2,REV=2010.03.14 SAME
CSWtop 3.7,REV=2009.04.09 SAME
CSWvim 7.2.148,REV=2009.04.08 SAME
CSWvimrt 7.2.148,REV=2009.04.08 SAME
CSWw3m 0.5.2,REV=2009.04.05 SAME
CSWwget 1.11.4,REV=2009.04.15 SAME
CSWx11common 1.0,REV=2009.05.24 SAME
CSWx11kbproto 1.0.4,REV=2010.02.20 SAME
CSWx11xextproto 7.1.1,REV=2010.02.20 SAME
CSWx11xproto 7.0.16,REV=2010.02.20 SAME
CSWxcbutil 0.3.6,REV=2010.03.12 SAME
CSWxemacs 21.4.19 SAME
CSWxemacspkgs 20051208 SAME
CSWxercesj 2.9.0 SAME
CSWxmlcommonsext 1.3.04 SAME
CSWxpm 3.5.8,REV=2010.02.19 3.5.8,REV=2010.05.24
CSWzlib 1.2.4,REV=2010.03.19 SAME
UPRperlmodules 1.0.2009.03.06.01 not in catalog
bonivart (developer)
2010-06-08 21:58

Your systems seems to be well updated. I'm still convinced that Perl and it's modules are not compiled together as I've seen this error so many times but I can't find any evidence of it from the info you're giving me. Everything seems ok.

I will post on the maintainers list to see if others can help out.
bonivart (developer)
2010-06-11 14:51

Can you run this simple script?


use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;

my $db = DBI->connect('DBI:mysql:test','foo','bar')
  or die "Couldn't connect to database: " . DBI->errstr;


It should complain about access denied if everything is workin.
niranjan (reporter)
2010-06-22 16:39

I'm getting the following error message. perl: fatal: relocation error: file /opt/csw/lib/perl/site_perl/auto/DBI/ symbol Perl_Tstack_sp_ptr: referenced symbol not found
bonivart (developer)
2010-06-24 14:58

A collegue of mine found the problem! The path in the error message is site_perl/auto, our pm_dbi package uses csw/auto so this must come from a manual/cpan installation. You need to get rid of that. Then our perl will find our module in the INC and it will work.

Don't mix packages with manual stuff please. Also, please report back here if you fix it. :-)
dam (administrator)
2010-08-02 16:16

Or in other words: If you compiler stuff yourself make sure to rebuild in if Perl major version changes.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-06-07 15:47 niranjan New Issue
2010-06-07 17:13 bonivart Status new => assigned
2010-06-07 17:13 bonivart Assigned To => bonivart
2010-06-07 17:17 bonivart Note Added: 0007983
2010-06-07 17:17 bonivart Status assigned => feedback
2010-06-07 18:55 niranjan Note Added: 0007985
2010-06-08 10:05 bonivart Note Added: 0007986
2010-06-08 13:08 niranjan Note Added: 0007987
2010-06-08 16:53 bonivart Note Added: 0007988
2010-06-08 16:56 niranjan Note Added: 0007989
2010-06-08 17:32 bonivart Note Added: 0007990
2010-06-08 17:47 niranjan Note Added: 0007991
2010-06-08 20:15 bonivart Note Added: 0007992
2010-06-08 21:03 niranjan Note Added: 0007993
2010-06-08 21:24 bonivart Note Added: 0007994
2010-06-08 21:52 niranjan Note Added: 0007995
2010-06-08 21:58 bonivart Note Added: 0007996
2010-06-11 14:51 bonivart Note Added: 0008007
2010-06-22 16:39 niranjan Note Added: 0008049
2010-06-24 14:58 bonivart Note Added: 0008052
2010-08-02 16:16 dam Note Added: 0008157
2010-08-09 18:26 bonivart Status feedback => closed
2010-08-09 18:26 bonivart Resolution open => no change required

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