Maintainer information

Detailled information about maintainer Benny von Mossner.

Full NameBenny von Mossner
QA pageGo to Benny von Mossner QA page
Bug trackingList of open/relevant bugs for Benny von Mossner
Last packaging activitypidgin has been added to unstable on 2016-05-07
Last bug tracker activityNo information available


Actions availables on maintainer Benny von Mossner.

Packages ( 15 )

List of packages uploaded by Benny von Mossner.

Software nameDescription
ap2_modapreq2libapreq2 filter module for Apache 2
fprobeTool that collect network traffic data
libapreq2Apache Request Library
libapreq2_develApache Request Library development support
pm_develcallerMeatier versions of caller
pm_devellexaliasAlias lexical variables
pm_digestnilsimsaPerl version of Nilsimsa code
pm_netpacketNetPacket: Modules to assemble/disassemble network packets
pm_stringapproxApproximate matching (fuzzy matching)
pm_termreadlinegPerl extension for the GNU Readline/History Library
pm_universalcanUNIVERSAL-can: Hack around people calling UNIVERSAL::can() as a function
tapTUN and TAP virtual network kernel drivers
tcpflowA TCP Flow Recorder
tunTUN and TAP virtual network kernel drivers
xpdfOpen source viewer for Portable Document Format (PDF) files