Mantis - libmng1
Viewing Issue Advanced Details
4132 packaging minor have not tried 2010-01-08 16:52 2013-06-05 13:29
0004132: Please provide 64 bit libs
Please provide 64 bit libs
parent of 0004158closed hson liblcms2_utils Please provide 64 bit libs 
Issue History
2010-01-08 16:52 dam New Issue
2010-01-14 15:22 james Note Added: 0007234
2010-01-14 15:22 james Status new => assigned
2010-01-14 15:22 james Assigned To => james
2010-01-14 21:57 dam Note Added: 0007235
2010-01-16 12:58 james Note Added: 0007264
2010-01-16 13:36 dam Note Added: 0007265
2010-01-16 16:36 james Note Added: 0007268
2010-03-17 13:06 james Relationship added child of 0004158
2010-03-17 14:15 hson Relationship deleted child of 0004158
2010-03-17 14:15 hson Relationship added parent of 0004158
2010-03-17 14:44 james Note Added: 0007673
2013-06-05 13:29 dam Note Added: 0010415
2013-06-05 13:29 dam Status assigned => closed
2013-06-05 13:29 dam Resolution open => fixed

2010-01-14 15:22   
Does anything need this or is it just for completeness?
2010-01-14 21:57   
I was thinking of a 64 bit GIMP which would definitely profit from >2GB memory, but that is a long-term project.
2010-01-16 12:58   
OK. There are a host of other parts needed for that. I didn't an obvious candidate in the depend list and that's because there isn't one. How does GIMP use 2G of memory on a sane sized image? Don't ask! GIMP is a bloater anyway, is this a case for a gimp64 package?

I'd like to make an AMD64 graphicsmagic and ghostscript to improve conversion speeds but I'm still waiting for sub parts.
2010-01-16 13:36   
For ghostscript 64 bit Kerberos is missing.
For graphicsmagic 64 bit Perl is missing.
Both parts are not that small...
2010-01-16 16:36   
graphicsmagick only uses perl for scripts so 32 bit should do.
It also needs: CSWlcms, CSWlibfpx, CSWwmf and CSWgs if the lib option is used (which is not for now)

gohstscript also needs cups but probably only the libs are needed. A question for a cups expert.
2010-03-17 14:44   
This is a child because lcms needs fixing first, not that I give a monkey's what you call it because it doesn't change what needs doing.
2013-06-05 13:29   
I just pushed 1.0.10,REV=2013.06.05 including 64 bit libs.