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ID Category Severity Reproducibility Date Submitted Last Update
0002610 [groff] regular use minor always 2007-10-05 02:46 2009-03-19 21:39
Reporter jeff View Status public  
Assigned To james
Priority normal Resolution fixed Platform Sun-Fire V250
Status closed   OS Solaris 10 (sparc)
Projection none   OS Version Generic_120011-1
ETA none Product Build 1.19.2
Summary 0002610: man page macro bugs
Description The groffer.1 manual page attempts to define macro \"author\", \"copyright\", \"Error\", etc.

The pdfroff.1 manual page attempts to define macro \"nohy\", \"cmd\", etc.

These fail when being formatted with Sun\'s nroff. Must change to 2-character macros.

The groff_out.5 manual page fails to format with the following errors:

eqn: missing \" in $h sub 1$\\~$v sub 1$
file /opt/csw/man/man5/groff_out.5, between lines 138 and 218
eqn: missing \" in $h sub n$\\~$v sub n$
file /opt/csw/man/man5/groff_out.5, between lines 138 and 219
eqn: fatal error: converted token -------------------------... too long
file /opt/csw/man/man5/groff_out.5, between lines 232 and 246
Steps To Reproduce
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-  Notes
james (reporter)
2007-10-05 04:07

Thanks for the report, all these man pages work for me, I\'m not sure what happening yet but I will look into this.
james (reporter)
2007-10-10 10:44

What does \"pkgchk CSWgroff\" say?
jeff (reporter)
2007-10-10 12:29

The output of pkgchk is below. It only shows differences with the cattable versions of the manual pages shipped with the package, which is expected because I ran a program to recreate the cat* pages for all man pages on this system.

137-> pkgchk CSWgroff
ERROR: /opt/csw/share/man/cat1/groff.1
    permissions <0444> expected <0664> actual
    owner name <root> expected <bin> actual
    modtime <09/12/05 04:16:19 AM> expected <09/26/07 07:37:46 PM> actual
    file size <28794> expected <34553> actual
    file cksum <17025> expected <36238> actual
ERROR: /opt/csw/share/man/cat1/groffer.1
    permissions <0444> expected <0664> actual
    owner name <root> expected <bin> actual
    modtime <09/12/05 04:16:19 AM> expected <09/26/07 07:37:46 PM> actual
    file size <65886> expected <295> actual
    file cksum <34115> expected <15509> actual
ERROR: /opt/csw/share/man/cat1/grops.1
    permissions <0444> expected <0664> actual
    owner name <root> expected <bin> actual
    modtime <09/12/05 04:16:19 AM> expected <09/26/07 07:37:46 PM> actual
    file size <22498> expected <27308> actual
    file cksum <17492> expected <32802> actual
ERROR: /opt/csw/share/man/cat5/groff_out.5
    permissions <0444> expected <0664> actual
    owner name <root> expected <bin> actual
    modtime <09/12/05 04:16:19 AM> expected <09/26/07 07:38:14 PM> actual
    file size <39990> expected <0> actual
    file cksum <15487> expected <0> actual
ERROR: /opt/csw/share/man/cat5/groff_tmac.5
    permissions <0444> expected <0664> actual
    owner name <root> expected <bin> actual
    modtime <09/12/05 04:16:19 AM> expected <09/26/07 07:38:15 PM> actual
    file size <19938> expected <22614> actual
    file cksum <62529> expected <37709> actual
ERROR: /opt/csw/share/man/cat7
    owner name <root> expected <bin> actual
ERROR: /opt/csw/share/man/cat7/groff.7
    permissions <0444> expected <0664> actual
    owner name <root> expected <bin> actual
    modtime <09/12/05 04:16:19 AM> expected <09/26/07 07:38:25 PM> actual
    file size <64024> expected <76342> actual
    file cksum <1322> expected <22046> actual
ERROR: /opt/csw/share/man/cat7/groff_diff.7
    permissions <0444> expected <0664> actual
    owner name <root> expected <bin> actual
    modtime <09/12/05 04:16:19 AM> expected <09/26/07 07:38:26 PM> actual
    file size <81557> expected <91651> actual
    file cksum <8303> expected <18045> actual
ERROR: /opt/csw/share/man/cat7/groff_ms.7
    permissions <0444> expected <0664> actual
    owner name <root> expected <bin> actual
    modtime <09/12/05 04:16:19 AM> expected <09/26/07 07:38:28 PM> actual
    file size <30629> expected <36522> actual
    file cksum <33374> expected <45842> actual
ERROR: /opt/csw/share/man/cat7/groff_trace.7
    permissions <0444> expected <0664> actual
    owner name <root> expected <bin> actual
    modtime <09/12/05 04:16:19 AM> expected <09/26/07 07:38:29 PM> actual
    file size <4937> expected <5663> actual
    file cksum <49773> expected <30532> actual
ERROR: /opt/csw/share/man/cat7/roff.7
    permissions <0444> expected <0664> actual
    owner name <root> expected <bin> actual
    modtime <09/12/05 04:16:19 AM> expected <09/26/07 07:38:29 PM> actual
    file size <29303> expected <32875> actual
    file cksum <4956> expected <31913> actual
james (reporter)
2007-10-10 12:48

That\'s the problem. Suggest pkgrm CSWgroff and reinstall.
jeff (reporter)
2007-10-10 14:52

OK, I see what you are saying. Rather than fixing the man pages, you are pre-formatting them and then shipping these good cattable versions which I overwrote. I can accept that, but I think it is a shame that the GNU programmers choose to keep breaking existing programs and systems.
jeff (reporter)
2007-10-10 15:00

I uninstalled/reinstalled CSWgroff. The groffer(1) and groff_out(5) pages look fine, but this is what I get in /opt/csw/man/cat1/pdfroff.1:
User Commands PDFROFF(1)

     pdfroff - create PDF documents using groff \\$*


Groff Version 1.19.2 Last change: 18 May 2005 1

Just for your info. Not trying to be a PITA! :-)
james (reporter)
2007-10-11 04:54

I write my own macros for formatting documents but I gave up rewriting these man pages as a bad job and a gross waste of time. An alternative to putting formatted pages in cat is to put cw font in a nroff file and .nf. I don\'t like this because the formatting of the original is lost. If you set TROFF=groff and TCAT to some appropriate (that reads PS/PDF and displays/saves) you can see the original form using \"man -t ...\". A shame man can\'t use NROFF=gnroff.

It\'s hardly surprising the groff people use the most complex macro coding. I can\'t be bothered to complain; the World has many more annoying issues that need attention first. Anyone is free to file a bug themselves: <>.

pdfroff is covered in: [^]
james (reporter)
2009-03-19 21:39

Closing, new package released with preformatted man pages in man/cat which is best I can do simply.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-03-19 21:39 james Note Added: 0005678
2009-03-19 21:39 james Status assigned => closed
2009-03-19 21:39 james Resolution open => fixed

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